The Spent Penny

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Danny P

Children's songman extroardinaire

Good times in my new position at IKEA. I played for Bring Your Child to Work Day yesterday, and HR loved it!! They want me to play more often for the kids at work, special events, etc.

I'm also applying for a job at Gymboree in Hamden, doing the same, playing sing-along type music for children ages 1-4, interview next friday, after sitting in on a class, 2 days a week, would very well supplement my current job, and the few hours available right now (I have to work my Birthday on Sunday April 22nd, however, I have the following tuesday through Friday off, just to return at 5pm-9pm on that Saturday.

I totally feel I made the right decision with the department move. It was totally a God thing, the hours just need to straighten out.

I tried to find a video clip of someone like Raffi, or some cheesy children's artist to post and further animate the silliness and fun that I get to have with my new position, however, only parody videos, and "Kill Barney" "Barney Gets Shot" etc.

So, that's me today. I've been in a bloggy mood, so..there well may be more later.


here's a video. She's my idol.


At 12:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

dude, elizabeth mitchell is SOOO much cooler than berkner. i mean, laurie's okay. she's better than the wiggles, that's for sure. but for the serious music lover, elizabeth mitchell is where it's at.


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